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Its about me:

This is a little story of me, 
I an indian brown,female by gender, and hindu by religion if it matters, 
I am one person who is perceived as a super negative women when it comes to indianism, when it comes to my very race, lets clear the air. 

I am one absolutely a proud Indian born in Tanzania, in the continent of Africa.
That simply allows me to connect with various nationality all together...

I have been lucky to have been brought up, with some basic and some extreme culture despite of being out of India, and raised in a not Indian land.

I find myself lucky, to this, a Indian with an English Name, and i oftenly get asked how, why ,what etc... 
Well its a Name, i am special , I am lucky (laughing) . 

So what am I cooking today, 

I am cooking, how much we love CHOCOLATES, AND TOASTS , 
I came across a few generous white people, ( where I have purely worked with millions of them and not felt any of this, this for the first time was whoaaaa) 
And over my career, for first time I was disowned by my white lady boss, I respected her knowing, she was married to a black,( where I stand for all lives matter) why do we forget the brownies matter too, white people eat more curry then the native browns. 

It saddens my heart,knowing that, even in todays world we have to fight these, also a person who created random glitches between my boss and I, while i had to hear from her very personal assistant, that my boss is a complete show off, and pretends to be in control... 
I couldn't stop laughing... coz a white got a white, why would i want to feel bad for being raced, anyways 
People are only as small as their minds can see. 
Be the world vision and allow the world to be at your feet... 
Where i come from the land of gandhi no violence... yes karma has its call.

I hope my generous boss can one day be awesome... 

I have learnt: 
I am a valued trained accountant, by a multinationals franchise, and proudly say this in interviews, and  accept challenges ,where she blindfolded the fact and therefore I was addressed to be a store keeper, which I did with all my heart , to an extent fell sick made me go the company advised hospital made me spend a good $100 n never reimbursed... well 
I am good at what I do, I give my all... and she bursted a lie on me, she warned me, she made me use my transport for office work, with literally zero to no pay, 
I fought my mother with cancer and lost her,  all coz my director of finance is not a investment head , she is a household savings head... makes a difference. 

I come from where accountants are trained with law, so we avoid lawyers until when necessary. 

I am a brown, I support all lives and we all matter, 
We all make a difference 
We all are one ... 
I am me , and that makes me, ME 



Unknown said…
I completely understand where you are coming from.. be proud and know that we are all children of matter who you worship

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