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Showing posts from March, 2019


Coming to an end of a journey, Life can be absolutely magical, Questions that had been arising out of nowhere,  where is all my hard work getting lost,  why is my patience not coming through? as i go through a phase of absolutely beautiful people , Healing has been a great part in this journey  I Have been so bitter , that i have lost the sight of fun and beauty ,  i hardly know what fun means  all i am is a workaholic , and a complete introvert  where i am today is a completely dream come true, yes i still need to heal, accept , and et go,  and as i get always attracted to martial arts and warrior art i have not a single idea what i am.  just recently seeing my aunts death and attending her actual indian funeral to the cremetorium,  whati can say is that peace on her face was absolutely lovely as much as i realise how we weill miss her, how much she has annoyed us to the loving point, my heart skips to acce...