The only thing that is permanent and constant in life is change.....
Something we shall always complain about, and also cherish.
we don't really complain when:
A little baby grows into a complete human,
when the year has four seasons, and changes every three months,
when a small organization turn to a big company,
when friendship turns into a relation and sometimes the opposite.
Of all the above: as a personal experience,
being a sweet little baby to a complete lady today, change is the only thing that has permanently stuck to me, with the changing times learning, you cannot really do anything about the change, but only accept it, or fight it for a better reason.
Humans are designed to adopt to any natural change, as life hands, but complain for anything that goes against their desire,wishes, and anything that is a daily habit.
Acceptance, is the best solutions to any change, a prompt response of acceptance, is a blessed way to be happy and free from any change.
Believe there is a good reason to the changes that take place,something is always good about the changes in life. experience the change, cherish the results, jot the lessons it teaches you.
Change is the only one ingredients that will help you build your, reputation, growth, and success.
every beginning has an end and so every change has a reason......
Believe in everything you do, Change is indeed a best outfit of life....that will make your life glow brighter every time you accept and act upon.
Change for the good,
Change for the better life,
Change to achieve,
Change to learn,
Change to believe,
Change to enjoy,
Change is in every moment of life....
What was yesterday will not be today, and what is today may not be in tomorrow,
Days change hours change, minutes change, months change, life changes .....nothing is permanent, Life is all about changes that makes it memorable, and worth living,
its only how you react to change make your life worth a living.
Change is the only baby that teaches you life.....
Cherish the changes of life.