FORGIVENESS "FORGIVE" Merely a word , that holds the most deepest meaning of life, Ever thought why you are unhappy? Why you keep recalling the pain from past? Why are you always angry and and filled with rage ? Have you ever wondered a simple act of FORGIVENESS can help you get all the freedom that you are looking, Freedom to love, Freedom of being compassionate, Freedom from being a people pleaser, Freedom of trying to grab attention ( attention is best when its given, never ask for attention, and dont confuse kindness for attention) There is a reason why its called forgive , it was meant to give, give yourself freedom from the jail of your past pains, FOR GIVE ...... The journey of my life today brings me to a point where i can actually feel the magic of forgiveness, = A THOUSAND MILES JOURNEY OF PURE ABUNDANCE BEGINS WITH A SINGLE ACT OF FORGIVENESS AND GRATITUDE = Talking on personal experience,of pain in the past, i have had quite some cha...
Living to Explore the Soul within....