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Showing posts from August, 2013


Time to appreciated my lovely team at work....thank you all for always being at the best of your talents... I would have been a bad manager without you all support.... May god always bless you all and gift you the brightest futures...

My reads I share.might be wisdom for some,or maybe just something to debate leave a comment ..

Lines from bhagvad Dharma The righteousness of performing your duty, while on the walk of your life,entitled to do what's needs to be done without worrying of the outcome it will bring, ARTHA meaning the means and tools you are blessed  with , to perform your your dharma,and not expecting what it leads to ,which bring up to the next cycle. Karma You are not entitled to the fruits of what you perform,but how you react on what you receive,and perceive.. Moksha (Emotional freedom-right to choose your path and dwell on it ) Realising, that the lord is the creator of the universe,and has only said I am the creator,Create ME, believe in ME,pray ME, have faith in ME.... The ME actually means ME, we living beings are the creator of the universe,and we need to keep the temple (our body) spirited with energy,with faith that what you do,is what you are entitled to do without worrying about the fruits,.. Once you have created a life,and given it what it needs,it's time for y...


Gifts are always a pleasure to make

For some of my dear friends.....


More cakes...